The name that is currently making waves, yes, the figure whose resolve and commitment have become synonymous with hope and progress, Senator Monday Okpebholo. The chosen flag bearer of the Edo APC, who embodies the aspirations of a people yearning for transformative leadership and genuine representation. An Edo man to the core, Senator Okpebholo’s journey to becoming the APC flag bearer is a testament to his unwavering dedication to the service of his people. With a humble upbringing rooted in the values of hard work and integrity, he has emerged as a beacon of hope for the common man, woman and youth across Edo state.


Senator Okpebholo’s entrance into politics was not merely a pursuit of power, but a solemn vow to access government in order to uplift the lives of ordinary citizens. His years of service in various capacities have been marked by a steadfast commitment aimed at bringing sustainable development to his people. From championing youth empowerment initiatives to advocating for improved infrastructure and healthcare services, his track record speaks volumes about his dedication to the welfare of his constituents. Senator Okpebholo is a man of the people—a father, a mentor, and a friend to many. His approachability and genuine concern for the well-being of others have endeared him to countless individuals who see him as a beacon of hope for a brighter tomorrow.


As the APC flag bearer, Senator Okpebholo has embraced the immense responsibility bestowed upon him with humility and determination. He understands the weight of the party’s trust and the expectations of the people he intends to govern. With a clear vision for the future of Edo State, he is poised to lead with transparency, accountability, and inclusivity at the forefront of his agenda.


Senator Okpebholo’s leadership style is characterized by his accessibility and willingness to listen to the concerns of Edo people. He believes in collaborative governance, where the voice of every citizen is heard and valued. Through grassroots engagement and community-driven initiatives, he seeks to bridge the gap between government and the governed, fostering a sense of ownership and pride required for the collective progress of Edo State.


Beyond his political aspirations, Senator Okpebholo is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Interweb Satcom Limited, a giant industry player in broadband sales and development. He is particularly known for infrastructural and human capital development in Edo central senatorial district where he hails from. He is currently the Chairman, Senate committee on Public Procurement.


As Edo State prepares for the upcoming gubernatorial election in September, the choice before its citizens is clear. Senator Monday Okpebholo represents more than just a political candidate; he embodies the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of a people determined to chart a new course towards prosperity. With him at the helm, the future of Edo State will be laden with promise and possibility.


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