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Best Comedy 2018



Voting officially opens on the 1st of November and closes 29th of November

Before voting please take a minute to watch your candidate’s short clip videos below,




Best Documentary Film 2018



Voting officially opens on the 1st of November and closes 29th of November

Before voting please take a minute to watch your candidate’s short clip videos below,





Best Documentary Film 2017



Voting officially opens on the 14th of August and closes 25th of September

Before voting please take a minute to watch your candidate’s short clip videos below,




Best Comedy 2017



Voting officially opens on the 14th of August and closes 25th of September

Before voting please take a minute to watch your candidate’s short clip videos below,


Special Movie Awards (SMA 2016) Best Leading Female Category Was Sponsored By Sanxaanu Kaggoro Film Kaffo (SANXAAFI)

About The Sanxaanu Kaggoro Film Kaffo (SANXAAFI) – The Gambia.

The Sanxaanu Kaggoro Film Kaffo (SANXAAFI) is the first registered Gambian film organization to secure the membership of FEPACI currently based in Nairobi, Kenya. SANXAAFI is the parent body of the Gambia’s premiere international professional film festival called the CineKambiya International Film Festival (CIFF).


The maiden edition of CIFF took place between the 26 December 2015 and 03 January 2016 at the Global Hands Manduar Development Hub in Manduar village, West Coast Region. The second edition covered the 20 and 26 May 2016 with key innovative strands namely, rural screenings at the Alkawsara Community, Sami Karantaba Tenda, Central River Region; presentation of nominees for the Pan African Screen Awards (PASA); European Film Night and tribute to Papa Wemba held at the Alliance Française in Kanifing and, the launching of the roving global exhibition on the

“Third World in The Second World War” at the Rock Garden Apartments in Kerr Sering with The Gambia as the first African host. Parallel to film productions, the third edition of CineKambiya International Film Festival (CIFF) would take place during the course of 2017. 

Gambia Film Industry Sparkling as Gods Will Premieres on Valentines Day

On a rapid drive to boost the nations film industry to produce standard films that will have universal audience and viewership, The Gambias film industry is sparkling as the movie Gods Will premieres on Valentines Day. The movie is produced by Wilfred Adams of Afrinity Productions.

In an interview with Observer Light, Adams said the principal idea behind the movie is one that discourage divorce, faith in God, and promote spouses to remain in long standing marriages by enduring patiently despite challenges that comes with marital life.

In describing her role in the movie, the lead role Fanta played by Isatu M Bokum, said as a strong young lady, she got married at an early age after courtship for about ten years and married for five years. The problem started when she could not bear a child for her husband Omar, played by Daniel Okorie, as he is desperate to have a child.

The movie takes a gloomy turn for Fanta as her best friend Isha played by Binta Janneh, whose husband is rich and provide all her needs, began to manipulate her to go into extra marital affairs because of the way Omar is treating her. With Fantas strong perseverance, she remains faithful to her husband, even after she was driven away from her matrimonial home for not bearing a child.

Source: Daily Observer

Special Movie Awards 2016 Press Conference

On Wednesday 20th July 2016, a press conference was held at the Joint Officers Mess for the Special Movie Awards (SMA) 2016.

The purpose was to sensitize the general public about this brilliant initiative, solicit for partnership and to let Film Makers know the closing date for the submission of application forms. The Conference was attended by the Committee Members of SMA and of about nine (9) Press Houses both Print and Electronic Media such as Standard Newspaper, Observer, The point, West coast Radio, Hot Fm and more.

Various questions with regards to the awards was asked in other to clear the air for the public and avoid skeptics. Some of the questions include:
• Where and when can one vote?
• When are submissions due?
• What is the submission process?
The press was more particular about the processes involved to be part of the Special Movie Awards Maiden Edition 2016. The Special Movie Awards Calendar has already been drafted below:


Movie Submissions Opens 1st July (9am-4pm)(Mon to Fri)
Movie Submissions Closes 30th July, Saturday
Jury Retreat for Movie Screening 1st August – 7th August
Launching of SMA (Press Conference) 8th August, Monday
Public Voting Opens 10th August, Wednesday
Public Voting Closes 10th September, Saturday
Collation of Nomination Results 29th September, Thursday
Special Movie Awards Night

30th September, Friday

Aside the Special Movie Awards Calendar, some of the things discussed involved the submission requirements which involves A copy of the Film Makers movie to be submitted, A trailer and Production Logo in a flash drive to be submitted at:
Afrinity Productions
Office Address:
10 East Street,
Fajara F Section,
P.O. Box 3069 S/K,
The Gambia .

Special Movie Awards 2016 Press Conference sma

After all the matters and questions from the press was digressed by the committee members which included The Producer Sheikh Tijan Sonko, Program Coordinator Franklin Adim, Admin Secretary Isatu M. Bokum, Assistant Admin Secretary Binta Janneh , Financial Secretary Bankole Browne, and The Committee Adviser Amadou Sillah, the next press conference to be held on the 8th of August was disclosed. All the press Members are urged to join as that’s when most Concealed matters regarding the awards will be revealed. A special thanks goes the Executive Producer of SMA and CEO of Afrinity Productions, Mr. Wilfred Adams for powering the Maiden Edition of Special Movie Awards 2016, Afrinity Productions Technical Crew Adams Orukpe and Ayisatu Aiyegbo for covering the event, The Press members and Special Movie Awards Committee and everyone that was present at the conference.

GCCI Press Briefing On The Border Closure Between Senegal And The Gambia

Afrinity Productions attended a press briefing at the Gambia Chamber of Commerce (GCCI) on Friday 26th of February 2016 at their head office.

The main aim of the press briefing was to clarify the issues of the border closure between The Gambia and Senegal.
The chief executive officer of GCCI Mr Alieu Secka and his members expressed his concern over the situation as GCCI represent the voice of businesses in the Gambia. The closing of the border is affecting business both large and small, including local traders. GCCI contacted the Dakar chamber of commerce, Ziguinchor chamber of commerce and TANGO in the Gambia but still nothing is clearly confirmed.

GCCI Press Briefing On The Border Closure Between Senegal And The Gambia1
Mr Alieu Secka and the president Mr. Mohammed Jagana visited the border between the Gambia and Senegal. The Senegalese authorities decided to introduce processing of all the transit documentation in Dakar instead of at the border, which causes long delays at all the border posts.

It can take up to seven days to get the authorization.
Questions raised by different media houses like daily observer, foroyaa newspaper, eye-Africa TV , standard newspaper , point newspaper etc were answered by the Mr Aliu Secka.

GCCI is doing its part to help resolve the situation and joining hands GCCI Press Briefing On The Border Closure Between Senegal And The Gambia2with the ministry of trade to come up with a possible solution in the shortest timeframe. Amongst those present were Mrs Beatrice Mboge and Mrs Sarata Conateh
Reported by Binta Janneh, Ayisatu Aiyegbo and filmed/edited by Orukpe Adams

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