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Sierra Leone’s First Lady Dr. Fatima Maada Bio Meets with Korean Red Cross Leaders

Dr. Fatima Maada Bio, Sierra Leone’s First Lady, had a pivotal meeting with the President and Vice President of the Korean National Red Cross. The discussion aimed to enhance the partnership between the Korean Red Cross and the Office of the First Lady of Sierra Leone, focusing on sanitation and health initiatives, especially for women and girls.

The President of the Korean Red Cross praised Dr. Fatima Maada Bio for her exceptional work in promoting sanitation and health for women and girls in Sierra Leone. He acknowledged her dedicated efforts and impactful programs that have greatly improved the lives of many women and girls across the country.


During the bilateral meeting, Her Excellency advocated for continued support from the Korean Red Cross, stressing the urgent need to improve sanitation facilities and health services for women and girls in Sierra Leone. Dr. Bio expressed gratitude for the existing support and highlighted the positive impact of the Korean Red Cross’s contributions on Sierra Leonean communities.


Dr. Fatima Maada Bio shared her vision for the future, aiming to build on current successes and further strengthen the collaboration between the two organizations. She emphasized the importance of sustained efforts and international partnerships to tackle critical issues in sanitation and health, essential for the empowerment and well-being of women and girls.


The meeting concluded with the Korean National Red Cross reaffirming its commitment to supporting the initiatives of the Office of the First Lady of Sierra Leone. Both parties agreed on the need for ongoing dialogue and cooperation to ensure the effective implementation of projects that will benefit the people of Sierra Leone.



Strategic Communications Division,

Office Of The First Lady,

Republic Of Sierra Leone.

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