Cyprus To Finance Medical Bill If Tourists Gets Coronavirus

Cyprus aspires to get attention of tourists after its coronavirus lockdown by Financing the medical costs of anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 while holidaying on the island, officials said on Wednesday.

The plan was listed in a letter to tour operators and airlines detailing the procedures Cyprus is taking to make known the safety of its tourism sector.

The letter was endorsed Wednesday and signed by the ministers of foreign affairs, transport, and tourism.

‘The Mediterranean island is marketing itself as a safe holiday destination during the global pandemic.’

The Republic of Cyprus has confirmed 939 novel coronavirus cases and only 17 deaths at standstill.

The government said it is “committed to taking care of all travellers who test positive during their stay, as well as their families and close contacts”.

*It pledged to cover accommodation, dining and medical care if a tourist falls ill with the virus.*

The “traveller will only need to bear the cost of their airport transfer and repatriation flight,” it said.

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