‘China says it has a ‘zero-tolerance policy’ for racism, but discrimination towards Africans goes back decades’

A black version of the Chinese flag is flowing across African Twitter earlier this month, as users put forward their objectification to express their annoyance at the government of China.

They were disheartened not only by escalation reports of coronavirus-related discrimination against Africans in China, but also by claims on Chinese state media that the allegations were “groundless rumors.”

Posting under the hashtag #BlackChina, Dennis Kiplomo, a nurse from Kenya, tweeted: “We expect the kind of hospitality we give to Chinese here in Africa, be reciprocated in their home country.”

Another user in Kenya, Peter Kariuk, wrote: “We need a united Africa which will not be slaves of #BlackChina.”

*The southern Chinese city of Guangzhou has Asia’s largest African population. While the exact number of Africans living in Guangzhou is unknown, in 2017 more than 320,000 Africans entered or left China through the city, according to state news agency Xinhua.*

Last month, many Africans were thread to forced coronavirus testing and arbitrary 14-day self-quarantine, in any case of their recent travel history, and many were left homeless after being thrown out by landlords and rejected by hotels under the guise of various virus restraining measures.

Yet China’s official response stopped short of acknowledging that the discrimination took place — or apologizing for it.


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