Calls for calm as Nigerians react to coronavirus case

Calls for calm as Nigerians react to coronavirus case

News of the first confirmed case of coronavirus in Nigeria has prompted fierce debate on social media, with #CoronavirusNigeria now the top Twitter trend across the country.

Nigerian authorities have urged the public to remain calm.

But some people say they fear the country, which is already battling an outbreak of Lassa fever, may struggle to cope if coronavirus spreads:

Wale Adetona


Our hygiene is bad, especially in Lagos. If this virus spreads, we are doomed. We need the same energy we used in defeating the Ebola virus. Lord help my country people to all play our parts.

M E S S I 🐐 @badniggafela

The federal government of Nigeria needs to be heavily slapped for this mess they are trying to put us in

Y’all know our health sector is a mess and we not fully prepared to handle these kinda outbreaks

Yet we allow people come in from affected countries

Others say that the quick response of health authorities to the 2014 Ebola outbreak is proof the country will be able to contain the threat:

ۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗ ۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗ Tópé Fábùsólá ❁ @TopeFabusola

Remember when Ebola entered Nigeria?

People cried about how it’s over for us.

We would all be dead. No one can contain it. Our government doesn’t care. Our people are gullible.

But guess what, we’re still here.


Rìnsólá of Gbagura @RinsolaAbiola

Have some more faith in your country, guys. We did contain ebola.

I’m hopeful that we’ll contain this too, and not at such a heavy cost, God willing.

LASG, we’re all counting on you.

Nigerians are also encouraging each other to take basic preventive measures to protect themselves, such as washing one’s hands


That’s one of the key steps recommended by the World Health Organization

. Here’s their full list:

  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Maintain social distancing
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
  • Practice respiratory hygiene
  • If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early
  • Stay informed and follow advice given by your healthcare provider

Nigeria is the first country in sub-Saharan to record a positive case of coronavirus, after authorities confirmed an Italian citizen who flew into Lagos from Milan tested positive for the disease.

Egypt and Algeria have also recorded positive cases.

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