Banjul City Council calls quick distribution of Gambia gov’t food aid

In spite of the launch of its own food bank, the Banjul City Council says it would be perfect if the central government speed up the issuance of food aid to inhabitants of the city as Covid-19 limitations threaten to give rise to food insecurity in many Gambian households.
The BCC not long ago set up a food bank but the town hall has demonstrated its readiness to work with the central government to help keep hunger at standstill through the distribution of food aid to residents under the Covid-19 partial lockdown.
“The government has asked us to send them data on the number of compounds and houses in Banjul and we’ve done that since on Thursday and we’re now keeping our fingers crossed,” spokesman Bah disclosed.
“We believe they [government] will involve us because as local government authorities to complement the efforts of the central government.”
He told The Standard that the earlier the government engaged local governments in the distribution of relief aid, the better as the population faces prospects of hunger.
“We are patiently waiting but we want it [distribution] done quickly because people have been asked to stay at home and this can cause food shortages,” he predicate.
Source___Standard News