Afrinity Production Top 5 Music Of The Week

Afrinity Top 5 Music Of The Week
#Vybe done by Morris Wonderboy #1St
#Wine_Twerk done by Yok7 #2nd
#Die_Don_Plenty done by Sissay #3rd
#Hmm_Bamm done by Rap Gee #4th
#My_Coin done by Sissay #5th
Date: 4th August 2021 to 11 August 2021
#Note fans should like our page and keep on commenting on our page to keep you in the Top 5 spot everyweek.
The idea behind the Afrinity Production Top 5 Music of the week is to promote Sierra Leone music to the world through our online Radio and TV, website, Facebook Page among others. Afrinity Production fans across the world will assess and review trending music to determine the winners of the Afrinity Production Top 5 Music of the week. Keep us up to date with your latest hit songs so they have a chance to win